Thursday, January 5, 2012

Warriors into the wild By Erin Hunter

In the book Warriors into the wild by Erin Hunter the main character is Firepaw and in the book that makes Firepaw the main character is the fact that he shows the rest of the warrior cats that even a kitty cat like him without warrior blood can be a warrior to for one of the four clans in the forest. The book presents the idea that you can do whatever you want to do you don't have to meet the exact physical qualities just the metal qualities that push you torwards your goal.
How this is supported in the book Warriors into the wild is that when Firepaw first encounters the thunderclan warriors is he puts up a fight  against one of their apprentices and by showing that he can defend himself with brains instead of with force they invite him to join their clan (the thunder clan warrior cats) and eventually he makes his choice and joins them. Althought he might have trouble along the way he still went for it that is the first example in the book that supports the idea that anyone can reach their goals they just can't give up. Another example would be in the moment where he has his first hunting/training session he has a difficulty because he is so much used to being pamperd but dosen't give up and with time his stance improves and he catches his first kill for the clan. These are two examples in Warriors into the wild that support the idea of how people can acheive their goals and dreams. 
Other examples in the book Warriors into the wild that supports the idea of how people can reach their goals, dreams, and fantasies if they put the time into acheving it. For example in the book the clan leader of the the Thunderclan Blustar has chosen Firepaw and his two buddies to protect her on her way to the moonstone which is something that only a warrior with high respect and honor. This meant that Firepaw was very close to acheving his very hopes and dreams of becoming a warrior cat and so this meant he had done it he didn't give up so his dreams and hopes were made a reality. A final example to show that his hopes and dreams were reality is that at the very last,last,last three pages were all about his rite of passage and how he had final become from Firepaw into the warrior Fireheart.
This shows no matter how impossible your dream may seem you should shoot for them because if it dosen't happen as soon as Fireheart's you should keep trying and this is what the book Warriors into the wild by Erin Hunter taught once i was finished reading it.

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