Tuesday, June 12, 2012

my character in the book the kid by sapphire is a story where the main character Abdul goes through many painful things that lead him to making bad decisions in life for example he was influenced by brother john who raped Abdul more than once according to him but we only ever see him get raped once.

unfortunately he makes the desecion that he wants to feel like a king as well and rapes the other boys in his dormatory which leaves the other boys unable to go through out their day for example Jamie who was one of the first boys that abdul had raped was after being raped for the first ime by abdul unable to even eat all he could think about was what had happened to him as he was sleeping.

 But i learn that he changes and he does it theough dancing which is abduls passion his love which was the only thing that had gottenhim to put away his past and transformhim into a whole new and completly different person. H e does change going from the kid who only knew how to fight his problems and not solve them peacefully

As he gets an new parent and house he starts questioning who he is especially who his parents are he dosen't know however that his mother was impregnated by her own father which would answer the question of why his father and the father of his mother had the same exact first and last name. H e decides he can decide his future as long as he dosent dwell on his past and so he becomes a new and changed adult torwards the end of the book.