Tuesday, June 12, 2012

my character in the book the kid by sapphire is a story where the main character Abdul goes through many painful things that lead him to making bad decisions in life for example he was influenced by brother john who raped Abdul more than once according to him but we only ever see him get raped once.

unfortunately he makes the desecion that he wants to feel like a king as well and rapes the other boys in his dormatory which leaves the other boys unable to go through out their day for example Jamie who was one of the first boys that abdul had raped was after being raped for the first ime by abdul unable to even eat all he could think about was what had happened to him as he was sleeping.

 But i learn that he changes and he does it theough dancing which is abduls passion his love which was the only thing that had gottenhim to put away his past and transformhim into a whole new and completly different person. H e does change going from the kid who only knew how to fight his problems and not solve them peacefully

As he gets an new parent and house he starts questioning who he is especially who his parents are he dosen't know however that his mother was impregnated by her own father which would answer the question of why his father and the father of his mother had the same exact first and last name. H e decides he can decide his future as long as he dosent dwell on his past and so he becomes a new and changed adult torwards the end of the book.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Character description: Jose Hernandez, father of three children. He wears a hat everywhere he goes. He has a habit of making a joke out of everything, he is a very entertaining person. He is a very hardworking person, is serious when he needs to be, he is not tall. 

 My  Favorite Moment
It wasn't just once that we did this,
but once every week,
at the end
of the week we would,
go out
and buy a hundred tacos,
we would just share,
just me and your uncles,
we would eat till we were filled,
it was great,
those were some of the best days,
when we were,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age novel: The kid by Sapphire

So far in the book "The Kid" by Sapphire also the author of Push my main character is already stacked with problems from being raped by a Brother in a school that took him St.Ailanthus, not only that but he also raped children. But that could have started from the influence of Brother Samuel, who raped the poor main character in his office. Not only can that influence my main characters bad behavior, but the early death of his mother Precious Jones whose cause of death was of aids, and his father who is not only his father but also the father of his mother. How i am able to know that he is influenced by this is because of the fact that whenever people talk of the death of his mother and how it's cause was by aids and how his father was also his mothers father. He denies all of it because of the fact that he didn't want to accept the truth, he thought that his parents didn't die that way he thought they died was not the way he wanted his parents to die so in his mind he created his own version of their death his mother was assassinated by somebody and his father died in war. this is the death he managed to trick himself into that they had and he argues with everyone who tells him otherwise.

Even when Abdul is left to confront all of this unspeakable violence, his past, and all the bad in his heart in this novel Abdul still is determined to claw his way to adulthood and an identity he can stand behind which is a important problem for him in this book he has identity issues he can never truly identify who he really is he goes from J.J to Abdul and other names throughout the book which causes him to face himself with identity issues of who he really is.   

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'm reading the book Naruto volume 53 and what this series is basically about is this kid who is a host of a demon with incredible power to destroy the world and so since he is a ninja he has to try to put his saftey before others sometimes but he isn't really that kind of person. He is a kind of person who everyone who is attached tro people no matter how evil or bad they are. one example would be his close friend Sauske who was his friend for a while but then started hunting down people who are demon hosts , but even through that he didn't give up on sauske he still believes that there is small chance that somehow sauske will turn to the better he will one day become his friend again. this is what makes him such a cool guy to be around and his dream i think i accheviable him becoming basically the laeder of his village just for the fact that he is respected by everyone in the village. i think people should definetley try this book out from the begining especially if you like comic books.

Monday, April 23, 2012

 I've recently been reading a book called upstate where there is a guy who killed his father in dfense of protecting his mother from getting beat. In the book he writes several letters about his thoughts and feelings to his girlfriend back home. Many of these start revealing  a lot more about him as a person and so i am  reallly liking this book i want to see if their relationship is strong enough to get through this. or will his girlfriend give up on him i'm mean at this point their relationship with one another is veryy strong and so i think that will help the main character get through this mess. Soon i will finish the story and see how everything ended and i am sure it will be great.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Article post on article

I was reading a scholastic magazine article about Plight of the chimps it talked about the new Disney movie Chimpanzee which is going to theaters on April 20th. What is basically going to be about is this small chimpanzee called Oscar who is learning all there is to know about life around the Ugandan forests of Africa and what is happening during the movie is that you're following the life of Oscar. I think that it will probably be a pretty cool movie to watch it 'll definitely be great to watch. Another great thing about this movie is that for every ticket from that purchase 20cents will be donated to the Goodall institute. This film is trying to get out to the general public that there are only five species of chimpanzee left in the world and their close to extinction this is what i've learned from the article. the article stated all of this "
“Chimpanzees are disappearing fast because their forest home is being destroyed—more than 10 million acres of African forest every year,” says Jane Goodall, a primatologist (someone who studies primates like chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys) for more than 50 years. Goodall’s main focus of study is on chimpanzees.
In the film’s opening week, Disneynature will donate 20 cents per ticket sold to the Jane Goodall Institute, an organization that protects chimpanzees, an endangered species.
Chimps are a species of great ape. Only five species remain— the gibbon and the orangutan in Asia and the chimpanzee, the bonobo, and the gorilla in Africa. All are endangered." this is what i've learned from this very intearesting article about this movie Chimpanzee.


What this student did wrong wasn't he didn't cite the source where he got this paragraph  from and so now it is considered plagiarizing or a crime. One thing he could've done to avoid plagiarizing he could of been like this for example- In the site .................... they describe the painting like this "........................................................................................................................................................................" this is a more complex way to describe the picture but i agree with the way he is able to describe this painting. After researching this painting i found a site that was able to describe it well the site http://www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/starryindex.htm 
it described it like this " There is a peaceful essence flowing from the structures. Perhaps the cool dark colors and the fiery windows spark memories of our own warm childhood years filled with imagination of what exists in the night and dark starry skies. The center point of the town is the tall steeple of the church, reigning largely over the smaller buildings. This steeple casts down a sense of stability onto the town, and also creates a sense of size and seclusion.To the left of the painting there is a massive dark structure that develops an even greater sense of size and isolation." i agree with this description because of how well it describes every detail. 
Three ways that you can stop from plagiarizing are in-text citation, or using a works cited page. And just introducing and then putting your quotation. these are the three ways that you can stop from plagiarizing.

response on studens reading response

After reading Gaby's blog post what i really like about it is that she wrote all her blog posts and that she wasn't lazy on them you can see she put effort into them and that there all really great posts and that she does take the time to write them and write them welll not just rush everything and write nonsense on her blog post.

Another thing i liked was her picture of Jeremy Lin the basketball player that was really cool and overall her blog shows hard work and effort that is why i really like gaby's blog post

Response to student reading responses

After reading all 4 of these students reading responses i thought that Sofia's was really good because she put her own observation about the painting, what she thought everything in the painting meant. For example, in her response she uses the woman in the picture who is painting this naked woman and man who is Picasso's friend and the naked woman his lover. so basically her idea on the picture, was that the woman painting them resembled death because his friend had died of depression also the baby that woman who was painting was holding she thought resemble birth and so she said with every death something new is born. This is one reason why i really liked Sofia's blog on Picasso's La Vie. 

Another reason that i really liked Sofia's blog post on Picasso's La Vie is because it wasn't boring she kept her blog post interesting because of the fact she didn't rewrite what other people thought about this painting before her instead she told us about her own thoughts and what she thought so that was pretty good. this is what i liked about Sofia's response to La Vie. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Random poem

Poems are like little windows to the imagination just waiting to
There are all kinds of poems there are poems on bunny's
there are poems that bring out your funnies.
still however we can make more all thanks to the unlimtited amount of imagination
that we have in order to create them

Random poem #2

What if there was no reason to take the state tests?
What if summer was longer?
If so, i probably would still stay in.
What if poems were wishes waiting to become true?
Maybe then i would write more so that i
can have my dreams and wishes come true.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Romeo and Juliet post

So Romeo and Juliet have gotten their marriage approved by Friar Lawrence and so their marriage was approved by the friar for the reason being that this marriage may be the reason to put an end to the feud between the two families of the Montague and the Capulet and so this is the reason for the friar approving the rushed marriage of Romeo and Juliet. But as we know in the end the death of their children does stop the feud between the two families, its unfortunate it cost them their children. But friar was correct it did end the never ending feud of the two fighting families. But now back to the marriage the probability the fight would kept going even if they were married. Not even their marriage would keep their family from fighting instead probably would intensify their hate for each other. Also another very important detail about their marriage is that they really didn't get to know each other instead they just looked each other and instantly knew that they were in love with each other just like friar told them before their marriage.Love shouldn't be rushed or be to slow if it is kept at a moderate rate that is what makes a good relationship.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Romeo and juliet

So Romeo went to the party as you know and this is where he meets Juliet and so he falls in love except this time he is in her favor or in English she likes him as well and so their love story begins and of course they have to hide their love through the course of the story as you know. They have troubles here and there but their love for each other prevails until the ending as you know because of Romeo believing that she is dead. But i bet you didn't know that in the book Romeo foreshadows his death before the party he's scared because he had a dream of his own death and although he forgets the dream after the party and meeting Juliet. He predicts his death in the book. So far this book is pretty hard to understand the book if you try really hard or use the translation it really is an amazing about love and tragedy about these two star crossed lovers. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Letter to a friend............ Romeo and Juliet

The book so far has been really great i know that Samson is really rude talking about the Montague maids he talked all about raping them he would take out his "naked weapon". Then the Montague and Capulet families started fighting on the streets so then the prince comes and stops the battle  before it gets serious and that is basically all that has gone on in the act 1 scene1 so far in the book The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. So overall it has been a great book and look forward to the rest of the book.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The green grass, the strikers ready to strike,
The ball is kicked around, played with by you,
Everyone fights to win the game they like,
It will all happen on the field of view
Win till the last blow of the whistle or,
The final ticking second on the clock,
Soccer what a game, don’t make it a chore,  
When people cheat in the game just to block  
No reason to cheat, you have to really enjoy
Playing the game in on order to win, but
When you lose don’t lose all your hope and joy
Don’t give up it shows your amazingly glut
Determination for the game you love  
In order to show yourself you’re above.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Starting Columbine

I am starting the book Columbine by Dave Cullen it is based on the shooting that took place in Columbine in High school a very famous shooting to be exact, it was around the time when shootings in schools were happening way to often, soon the shootings died down but then the incident at columbine the biggest school shooting in history so far i am no to sure. But i am very sure that it will be great to read all about it and read all about a depressing event.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Poem that i wrote...............

What happens to a poem....

What happens to stars
after they lose their light
do they become  a big black
Maybe not all stars maybe,
just maybe they will make another bright star
so that it can have its chance to light up the night.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


                                                                        Raphael Sanzio
Born on April 6th 1483 in Urbino
Died on April 6th 1520 in Rome
Painted during the time of the High Renaissance.

What I love about Raphael Sanzio is how realistic the people in his drawings are you can see with some of the pictures that he draws with babies you can actually feel the weight of the chubby babies that he draws. You would call it the 3d paintings of back then or something like that. He especially liked to draw a plentiful amount of religious paintings.

In Raphaels marriage of the virgin his people are so much more realistic looking then the other paintings of the marriage of the virgin and even when compared to his teacher he beat his teachers drawing of the marriage of the virgin. All of the people in the painting are well painted and he drew in the details clearly and its as if they were there in real life.

What this painting means to me is that we don't have the same kinds of marriages as we did back then they were a little less celebrated from what i can tell. That is what this wonderful beautifully drawn painting means to me that there is a difference between the marriages back then and the marriages in the 21st century.

After reading all of Raphael's biography i want to go to the museums that have his paintings because of how amazing they are they have all kinds of meanings i just want to see them all i also want to read about some of the religious events that he drew so that i can get an even deeper understanding for his pictures like the one that i had with the picture shown above the virgins marriage.