Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hunger Games continued.....

Well I've finished the book and I can say that the "star crossed" lovers Peeta and Katniss stayed with one another through the whole game without betraying one another, and Katniss didn't make many kills apparently. However the end was very suspenseful it had sudden rule change in the middle of the book where two tributes from the same district can win, then however as soon as both Katniss and Peeta win they change the rules back to only one winner. Now this where i was shocked at the action they took because they decided on eating poison berries to both die together but instead the capitol stops them from killing themselves because the gamees must have a winner so they just allowed them to win together.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hunger games so far .........

So far, the huger games have been a great book i can't complain it is an excellent book where it is impossible to put the book down. so let me explain whats going on so far in the book. So far the main character Katniss has just taken her sisters place at the hunger games, so far our main character is already in a problem and not only that the other tribute from her district(district 12) is Gale the boy who handed her bread when she was hunting for her family because their father had died. This leaves our character in a world of confusing emotions she won't know if she'll be able kill him when the moment comes.

But no worries her family will have people to rely since her sister is so well know throughout the village as nice girl and they always try to help her out whenever she is having trouble doing things, like getting enough money from what she sells. Now we just have to hope Katniss will make it through the games alive.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Social Awarnes #3

Crying for help,
Help only comes if someone helps,
I am hurt
Lies to cover up the pain,
Dark wherever I am,

A new hope,
Back on my feet,
U helped heal me back to the world of normal,
Still need help but,
Everything seems to be better now thanks to your help.

In this poem i had written issues of child abuse in the first word child and then in the second word i had what the change is if the problem is stopped. i got the idea out of nowhere really i thought that it would be an interesting way to write a poem about child abuse so i wrote it and in my opinion i think it came out well.


In my book the child called "it" the problem is child abuse and so my main cahracter is the only one of his family to be abused of the siblings. For some starnge reason I still don't quite get why he is the only one of the family to be abused, and because of this why is no one helping him not even his father who should be able to stop the main characters mom from abusing him anymore. But because of the fact that the moms abuse is so intense that the rest of them back off just so that they don't go through the same thing as the main character. A possible solution that does eventually come up is when the nurse of the main characters school conducts the yearly check up and sees all of the gashes, cuts, bruises, adn scars that he has all over the body. Soon after though however child services comes into the picture and save the boy from his mother, by this turn of events that saves the character now he can finally live a normal life as a regular kid with a normal childhood.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Two voice poem

It's hard
to get good grades whenever I need them
when my boss beats me when I mess up my job

What I need
A new Ipod because my old one broke
food, water and somewhere to live

What I want
Some new sneakers because my old ones are starting to look a bit dirty
A safe place to live  and somewhere to learn

Who helps
my sister does all the time with my math homework
noone igth now i have no clue where my three brothers and sisters are but they're probably working to

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Social action writing #1

Racism there is plenty wrong with it here are some of them:
-making fun of people because of their color
-their skin
-their culture
-who they are
-how they act because of who they are
This is all wrong because people don't understand how bad they are hurting other people when they insult them because of their skin, culture, and where you're from affects how you act. But still people do it sometimes it is because they have experienced this hate before so they let their anger out of being hated and hurt other people. i think this might be what causes it, but it could be caused just because a person doesn't understand how bad it feels to be made fun of through racism. Whats wrong with racism? plenty for example, the hurt feelings of others but also two different groups of people can begin to battle with one another for whose the better man or woman this the wrong thing about racism.
There aren't many solutions that i can see to this problem because of how many times you tell people that were all equal and yet they still question it even though in reality we are all the same organisms with few unique characteristics. 
Some solutions that i think of however are to try to prevent people from doing this by proving the idea that we  are all the same type of organism just that all of us have different genes and unique characteristics.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So far in the book my character right from the start has a plate load of problems all the way from being a vampire to his father being dead, apparently though in order to become a ninja you must first become a vampire or rather how my character prefers to call them Kyuuketsuki which means vampire. because of him however being turned without training first he will have no choice now but to live the life of a ninja. Thats all i have so far so don't worry folks I'll keep you informed on what goes on in the book as i continue to read it.


In this book that I've recently started reading, the book made me tear through the pages because of all the action that the book started with as soon as the character just started explaining who he was, this is what brought me in. However before this even happened the books starts off with a introduction filled with action and suspense. Overall, I think that this book is great because of how it has the main character Tao and his "brother" Hiro start their adventure off with a battle that takes place by battling ninjas to the death. in my opinion i think that this book would be great for people who enjoy books with plenty of action because this book is one book that comes with plenty of adventure and action. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

REVIEW: The Giver by Lois Lowry

        The book The Giver by Lois Lowry is an interesting book where their society is considered a "perfect world," but in my opinion, it really actually is not because of how in their society the people who have families don't make one with each other but instead they apply for it as if having a family was a job, but in reality is something that everyone needs because in order for people to succeed they need someone to support them. Another problem like this one in their world is that the word love no longer stands for something when it is something that we all need, I can't even imagine a world without love to me it seems like a world that doesn't exist.Another reason that tells me that they don't live in a perfect world is that no one can see colors even though they're good things and not things that should be considered bad by people.